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KY School Report Card for East Oldham Middle School  |  Proficient in Reading: 36%  |  Distinguished in Reading: 21%  |  Proficient in Math: 40%  |  Distinguished in Math: 20%

IC Messenger - Contact Preferences

Infinite Campus Parent Portal Login

Infinite Campus Messenger Contact Preferences

Oldham County Schools provides parents and guardians a free notification service district-wide via Infinite Campus Messenger. Campus Messenger leverages Contact Preferences within the Parent Portal.

How to opt-in or out of Voice or SMS (text message) notifications: 

To change your notification preferences, you must have an existing Parent Portal login; if you do not have an existing login, please contact our school office.

  • Log in to your Parent Portal account with your Username and Password.  (6th graders will receive this info at registration or may pick up in office)
  • On the left-hand navigation menu under User Account, select Contact Preferences.
  • In the body of the Contact Preferences page, you will see instructions as well as a list of your contact information that you have reported to your students’ school. It is here in which you can choose to opt-in or out of different Voice or SMS notifications.
  • Follow the instructions on this screen to update your contact preferences. A brief note of each message type is provided:
    • Emergency: All emergency message will be District notifications such as school closings and other high priority messages. They can be sent any time of day.
    • Attendance: Notifications about student attendance. These messages will only be sent between 7AM and 9PM. (Note: not all schools send attendance notifications)
    • Behavior: Behavior notifications are not used at this time.
    • General: These are most common and will be sent by the district or your school between 7AM and 9PM.
    • Priority Notification: Priority messages are special message types and will only be sent between 7AM and 9PM. Your school should notify you if they use these types of notifications.
    • Teacher: Teacher notifications are not used at this time.

Please note that you can have different combinations of contact preferences selected. For example, you can have Attendance notifications as text alerts, Emergency as Text AND Voice alerts, and General as Voice only.

If you select Voice and Text, Infinite Campus will attempt to deliver the voice notification first. If that is confirmed, no further notification is received. If that voice notification is NOT confirmed a text will be delivered.

If your household does not have access to a computer or Internet please feel free to contact our school for assistance.